
Moosath Life EssTentials

Moosath is a well-known family lineage in Kerala that goes on for generations. The family’s individuals are scholars in economics, human physiology, cosmology, science, language, history, education, literature, astrology, palmistry, philosophy, geology, Ayurveda, and the Vedas. EssTentials, which is an amalgamation of Tential meaning “a path” and “essence” refers to our motto “the way of holistic living”. We hereby try to simplify life’s need for holistic living by providing our customers “a way” with our products to reach their goals with “essence”, our commitment to purity.

Our ancestors devoted their lives to the tradition of Ayurvedic practices in daily life, which was inherited from generation to generation. This knowledge – comprising a good collection of rare drugs. They fought against many obstacles, saved many lives, and found many combinations of fresh herbs. Imbibing this traditional knowledge, we, Moosath Life EssTentials Private Limited, combine with contemporary science and motto to provide real assistance to the love of mankind. With this foresight, we are keen to provide everyone around us with a healthy lifestyle, with a holistic approach to life and every essence of life. With this foresight, we are now developing our service brand EssTential Living, keen to provide everyone around us with an ayurvedic lifestyle and yoga coaching for weight loss.

EssTential Living Logo

“EssTential Living” is a platform of modern life transformation or Ayurvedic health and yoga coaching proffered by Moosath Life EssTentials Private Limited incorporating a Game-like Approach that can be a fun and engaging way to encourage healthy habits through the traditional knowledge of Ayurveda and Yoga and more, committed to empowering individuals and families to lead happy living with a healthy lifestyle and to bring a positive transformation to the community. Our platform is accessible and convenient, allowing you to acquire and master the everyday routines to lead an evergreen lifestyle. We understand the importance of staying motivated and pushing past your limits. We offer an experienced team of doctors including our President Dr. M P Eshwara Sharma BAM MD(Ayu) Special Consultant, Former Principal (VPSV Ayurveda College, Kottakkal), and our experienced trainers and coaches here to guide and support you every step of the way of your life. We believe in creating a supportive community of individuals who are all striving to be their best selves.

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